Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

457 GID How Customer Pictures Can Improve Your A-Game
May 29, 2017

Design an environment that makes you perform well

456 GID Keep Your Roles Separate by Switching Hats
May 22, 2017

Create environmental markers so you automatically have the right behavior at the right time

455 GID How to Negotiate with Contingency Clauses
May 15, 2017

Deal with the uncertain future by making agreements that account for different outcomes

454 GID How to Be Radically Candid: Q&A with Kim Scott, Part 2
May 09, 2017

Can radical candor make you a better boss?

452 GID PHow to Keep Track of Irregular Events
April 24, 2017

Make sure your resources go toward the future.

451 GID How to Turn Hopes into Actions
April 17, 2017

Base your plans on actions to bring your dreams into reality

450 GID Pick the Correct Medium for Your Message
April 10, 2017

Not every message is best delivered the same way

449 GID Why You Should Communicate Directly with Others
April 03, 2017

Sometimes the easiest hard thing to do is to talk to someone.

448 GID How to Learn From Your Experience When Leaving a Job
March 27, 2017

When a job has ended is a great time to review what you've learned.