Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

500 - Use Your To-Do List to Spot Opportunity
April 30, 2018

Your to-do list has hidden clues to boost your productivity

499 - How to Psych Yourself Up with Good Self-Talk
April 23, 2018

Become more effective by turning your self-talk into other-talk

498 - How to Quit Social Media Using an Anti-Social-Media Buddy
April 16, 2018

Reclaim your mind and your life! Leave social media for (and with) a friend.

497 - How to Use 'Good Enough' to Beat Perfectionism
April 09, 2018

Perfectionism is easy to overcome, if you use extreme measures.

496 - How to Avoid Misunderstandings When Asking Questions
April 02, 2018

Clear communication can help things go humming along

495 - How to Tame Your Distractible Mind
March 26, 2018

Reclaim your distractible mind with a pencil and paper

BONUS: Introducing Safe For Work
March 20, 2018

A podcast on cutting through office politics to reach a better workplace.

494 - How to Improve Communication by Text (and Texting)
March 19, 2018

Texting and status updates rule the world. Use them well.

493 - It's Not About the Tool, It's About the Workflow
March 12, 2018

Sometimes that great new tool is best left unadopted.

492 - How to Coach People Around You (Quickly and Effectively)
March 05, 2018

A few good questions, used well, can turbo-charge someone's growth.