Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

528 - Shoot the Messenger: How Chat Apps Are Security Hellholes
November 26, 2018

Your chat apps might kill you, and other realities of current Silicon Valley

527 - 5 Powerful Tips for Productive Meetings
November 19, 2018

Streamline your meetings to be efficient and successful

526 - Find real work/life balance by getting Back to Human
November 12, 2018

Dan Schawbel, author of Back to Human, shares his insights on taming your technology

525 - 3 Ways to Use Doorways as Learning Tools
November 05, 2018

Learn better by opening up a new doorway. Literally.

524 - The Benefits of Routine (or Why Being Boring Has Its Upside)
October 29, 2018

Being boring can be a huge advantage

523 - 4 (Science-Backed) Tips on Being More Lucky
October 22, 2018

Research-backed tips on becoming lucky

445 GID How to De-Addictify Your Technology
October 15, 2018

Free your mind from your silicon overlords

522 - How to Start a Huge Project in 4 Simple Steps
October 08, 2018

Paralyzed by a big project? No fear. These steps will get you in the clear.

521 - To-Do List Essentials: How to Recruit Your Subconscious Mind
September 30, 2018

How to make sure you get everything done

520 - How to Overcome Decision Paralysis
September 24, 2018

Powering through the Paradox of Choice