Global Product Management Talk

Global Product Management Talk

Discussing The Lean Spec

September 08, 2016

Malcolm Knapp of The Engineer Accelerator talks with Cindy F. Solomon of SUPA Product Academy about the "lean spec", a product specfication requirements process that Malcolm has developed and implemented over many years of building hardware products.

This is the first in a series of conversations highlighting the issues involved in talking about this process, developing it as a product management tool, and solving the complexity of visualizing the product definition before development begins.

About Malcolm Knapp

I help small companies and individual people with defining the product they are trying to make and implementation of the electronics component of that product. In all, I have over ten years of project experience ever since I designed and built a low cost rechargeable lantern from The Millennium Villages project in 2004.

My education includes a combined BA in Science, Engineering, and Society from Pitzer College, a BS in Electrical Engineer from Columbia University and a MS in Electrical Engineering from Columbia. I chose this type of degree because politics, economics, and culture, effect what is built just as much as what is technically possible and I wanted to understand how.

The Engineer Accelerator: Saturdays & Wednesdays, September 17th – Oct 14th, Port Workspaces Oakland, CA