Procom Jobcast
Procom Jobcast - Episode 16 (2013, Week 3) - January 14th, 2013
New year, new start? Is the grass really greener?
This week, the Procom Jobcast discusses the conundrum facing many workers this month - should I stay, or should I go!? Wendy offers five reasons to stay put, and counter balances those with five to seek pastures new, so if the debate is raging in your mind right now, the timing couldn't be better.
On the summary side, business is exactly as expected, Procom's phones are ringing and the recruitment team are all hands to the pump. And the hot job this week is a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Project Specialist.
If you would like to share any feedback with us, please contact us on, and/or tweet using #ProcomJobcast.