PROCESS THIS!, a Podcast by HSPA

Latest Episodes
Process This! Episode 113: Keeping a Positive Culture in Sterile Processing
In episode 113, host Jon Wood speaks with Elizabeth Casey about cultures in Sterile Processing (SP) and the importance of keeping a positive outlook despite the many negative aspects encountered in th
Process This! Episode 112: The Relationship Between Biomed and Sterile Processing
In episode 112, host Jon Wood speaks with Michele McKinley about the unique possibilities for partnership between the Biomedical and Sterile Processing departments. McKinley addresses how to build thi
Process This! Episode 111: Bosses Vs. Leaders
Inepisode 111, host Jon WoodspeakswithPreston Rosales about the differences between bosses and true leaders in Sterile Processing (SP).Rosales explains that leaders are often bosses, but bosses a
Process This! Episode 110: Mentoring in a Sterile Processing Environment
Inepisode 110, host Jon WoodspeakswithJennifer Behlmann aboutmentoring in Sterile Processing. Behlman discusses the importance of passing on knowledge and experience to othersthrough a deliberat
Process This! Episode 109: Surprising Data on Sterile Processing Packaging
In episode 109, host Jon Wood speaks with Malinda Elammari, Clinical Education Specialist at Healthmark Industries, a Getinge company, about unexpected data on packaging in the SPD. Elammari reviews p
Process This! Episode 108: Sterile Processing and Dental Instruments
Inepisode 108, host Jon WoodspeakswithJulie Morrill and Karen Raposa, regional managers at HuFriedyGroup, aChicago-based dental supply and equipment company. Morrill and Raposa sink their teeth in
Process This! Episode 107: The Ergonomic Benefits of Work-Area Layout in the SPD
In episode 107, host Jon Wood speaks with Hannah Schroeder, Clinical Education Specialist at Pure Processing. Schroeder provides her recommendations and rationalizations for record keeping, time stamp
Process This! Episode 106: HSPA Foundation & Mercy Ships: A Shared Mission to Change Lives
In episode 106, host Jon Wood speaks with Kimberly Ames, the Global Programatic Lead Recruiter and U.S. Recruitment Manager at Mercy Ships, about the importance of the Mercy Ships mission, what it tak
Process This! Episode 105: Drying Medical Devices Before Sterilization: A Vital Step
In episode 105, host Jon Wood speaks with Ann Hewitt and Bob Straub from CENORIN about the critical importance of drying instruments prior to sterilization. More specifically, they discuss how moistur
Process This! Episode 104: AAMI Standard and TIR Updates for Sterile Processing
Inepisode 104, host Jon WoodspeakswithHSPAClinicalEducator SueKlacik aboutseveral key AAMI standards and technical information reports (TIRs) that affect Sterile Processing.Specifically, she