Pro Pharma Talks

Pro Pharma Talks

Latest Episodes

Remedies & Myths
May 28, 2019

Remedies & Myths: 1. Krazy Glue can be used to seal small wounds      a. Contains cyanoacrylate      b. Con – irritate skin, kill cells, and aggravate infections, poison if swallowed 2. Treatment of bu

Medication Rebates
May 22, 2019

 Rebates  • Spin – Rebates are a villain in producing higher drug costs • What are they?  --    o Discounts for favorable formulary placement   o Rebates are like discounts based on the volume of sales • Entities in

The Opioid Crisis
May 13, 2019

 This Weeks Topic: 1. Opiate issue      a. Scale of problem      b. Who is to blame?  PhRMA, doctors, patients      c. Sites of Care – surgery, ER, dentists, primary care

Consumer Driven Healthcare
April 15, 2019

• Are all consumers the same? • Deloitte/ Four Consumer Classifications    • Trailblazers       o Younger, higher income, excellent health, more men, use report cards of doctors, hospitals, will change doctors

The Flu Vaccine
April 02, 2019

 Topic: The Flu Vaccine Influenza: 1. Why do we need a flu shot every year?      a. Virus and vaccine           i. Virus is constantly mutating/changing    &nbs

Generic Vs Brand
March 26, 2019

 Topic: Generic Vs. Brand Vs. Biosimilars Top 10 Generic Pharmaceutical Companies – many are branded companies, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 9, 10      1. Pfizer Established Pharma      2. Teva Generics (including

What to Expect in 2019
January 28, 2019

Pro Pharma Talks - Episode 001 Topic: What to Expect in 2019 Healthcare 1. Uncertainty vs. Stabilization of the Healthcare Market 2. Healthcare: Volume vs Value 3. Consolidation of Stakeholders 4. Retail"ization" of Healthcare Delivery Drug Pricing 1. D
