Pro Pharma Talks

Pro Pharma Talks

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How We Pay for COVID-19?
May 06, 2020

QUESTIONS What do you do if you are insured? How do you afford copays and deductibles? What do you do if you are uninsured? Will Medicaid pay? Will Medicare pay? What if you are poor? What if you are an illegal immigrant? OUTLINE Public h

How Do Experts Know When a Pandemic Is About to Peak?
April 22, 2020

Questions: What does it mean to map the progress of an epidemic? Is testing crucial? What is an algorithm that is used for predicting the progress of an epidemic? What is the difference between out-brakes and modeling? What happens after modeling

Vaccine Development vs. Treatment
April 15, 2020

Vaccines vs. Treatment -Treatment vs. Prevention    -Treatment is not curative – examples are HTN, anti-diabetic medications, anti-asthma medications    -New options are antibody serum, gene PCR techniques    -

Managing a Chronic Condition During a Pandemic
April 08, 2020

-Restrictions       oLimited doctor visits       oTelehealth for showing doctor your current medical signs and symptoms       oLimited medical access (lab) -Manageme

What We Learned From Previous Epidemics and Pandemics
April 01, 2020

What We Learned From Previous Epidemics / Pandemics Statistics 1918: 50M people killed HIV/Aids: 39M people since 1981 Poverty to risk Inadequate sanitation Poor nutrition Crowded living conditions Lack of healthcare se

Inhalant Medications & Devices
March 25, 2020

What do we need to know about inhalant medications? Examples of inhalants = Respiratory for Asthma and COPD, Flonase for allergy, Afrin, Insulin, etc. What should we know about inhalants?  Particle size and why? Why are some drugs administered a

Let's Talk Vaccines: Influenza, Coronavirus (COVID-19), & More (w/ Dr. Mark Walberg)
February 26, 2020

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February 12, 2020

 Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) 1. What it 2019-nCoV is? 2. How it spreads? 3. Vaccines 4. Prevention CDC Information 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory il

Blood Shortages
February 05, 2020

Blood Shortage  1. Usage = 32K pints of blood used every day in US 2. Type of blood in short supply = Type “O” 3. Impact – 4.5M      a. 220mg-250mg of Iron lost for every donation – 24-30 weeks to replace iron   &nb

Patient Privacy (HIPPA) and Data Security
January 29, 2020

Topics for Security Talk 1. PHI = personal health information 2. Security      a. Passwords – 8 characters can be hacked in less than 1 minute      b. Two Factor Authentication     &nbs