The Prism of America’s Education

The Prism of America’s Education

North American Man/Boy Love Association Defined

November 07, 2020

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) was formed in 1978. It was inspired by the success of a campaign based in Boston's gay community to defend against a local witchhunt. NAMBLA's goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by: 

·  building understanding and support for such relationships;
·  educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love;
·  cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements;
·  supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression. 

Our membership is open to everyone sympathetic to man/boy love and personal freedom.

NAMBLA is a political, civil rights, and educational organization. We provide factual information and help educate society about the positive and beneficial nature of man/boy love.

45 Goals of Communism: 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Join Ricki deSantis, Sally Baptist, Sandra Lee, and Domine Clemons, and Host Karen Schoen as we discuss the debate, sex, and trafficking in school.