Prinzip Mensch - Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Prinzip Mensch - Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz

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Oscar Wine
April 15, 2020

Oscar edited this and its an absolute banger

LO STRANO TRIO : Ui ! What ?
April 10, 2020

LO STRANO TRIO is getting ready for wine tasting next week. We will try italian wines from A Brussels wine merchant. A lot of eating during this weeks recording. After all, it replaces our lunch outings. and we forget that we are recording. So we cut it s

LO STRANO TRIO: Gelato al Cioccolato
April 02, 2020

For the podcast recording, Paul suggests that the Ladies just talk as if he is not there while he does his italian exercise. But Chiara and Virginie anyway cannot hear each other. Then they listen to the Italian National Hymn while Paul carries on his exc

LO STRANO TRIO: Allo Allo, pas de réseau ?
March 27, 2020

LO STRANO TRIO is Virginie, who keeps things going. Born in Belgium, she is a child of Italian immigrants. German teacher by profession. Chiara, from Italy, is a graphic artist. And on the same floor in the office, Paul, a german lawyer. And musician, as

March 26, 2020

LO STRANO TRIO is Virginie, who keeps things going. Born in Belgium, she is a child of Italian immigrants and German teacher by profession. Chiara, from Italy, is a graphic artist. And on the same floor in the office, Paul, a German lawyer. And musician,

Prinzip Mensch - Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz
March 22, 2020

Der Fernsehjournalist und Philosoph Matthias Pfeffer und der Jurist und Berater der EU Kommission Paul Nemitz haben zusammen das Buch "Prinzip Mensch - Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz" geschrieben. Im Podcast diskut