Prime Resources Podcast

Prime Resources Podcast

Why Every Company Needs a Business Valuation

November 04, 2020

Did you know that every company could use a business valuation - even if selling your business is not on your immediate radar? In this episode, BDR Head Coach and financial expert Kevin Nott explains how a business valuation works, when should it be performed, and why it’s beneficial. Is the HVAC industry a desirable one for potential buyers? Listen and find out!

(02:49) What is a business valuation?, (04:50) Timeframe of a business valuation, (07:58) Points of a business valuation, (09:44) Why is a larger company attractive to a buyer?, (12:43) Can you ballpark a business valuation?, (18:40) Professional business evaluators, (29:08) Is the HVAC an attractive industry to buyers?, (36:48) How to prepare for a business valuation