Prime Resources Podcast

Prime Resources Podcast

How to Organize a Team-Building Event

August 01, 2023

Team-building events are an important tool to foster stronger relationships, improve communication, boost morale, and enhance teamwork within your company.

In this episode of the Prime Resources Podcast, BDR Event Coordinators Francis Robinson and Allison Kourkos walk through the process of organizing a team-build event and discuss the key elements involved, including where to start in planning the event, who should be involved in the process, building a budget and identifying action steps, and how to measure the success of your event.

Discover how you can create opportunities for your team to connect and build trust with each other at your next company event, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment.

Time Stamps

  • (00:55) - About our guests and their industry background
  • (02:38) - What kind of events can be used for team-building?
  • (04:10) - What’s the importance of having these types of events?
  • (05:21) - What is the starting point when planning a company picnic?
  • (11:08) - Who should be involved in the planning and why?
  • (14:00) - What should be included in the budget for the company picnic?
  • (18:21) - When choosing a venue, what should be considered?
  • (20:17) - What does an implementation plan for a company picnic look like?
  • (23:11) - Besides clean up, what do you need to do after an event?
  • (25:05) - Final Thoughts