Charlotte Real Estate Talk

Charlotte Real Estate Talk

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Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Jobey Thomas
March 20, 2019

On this episode of Charlotte Real Estate Talk, Scott sits down with our own Jobey Thomas to talk basketball, real estate, and life.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Lester Oliva & Gabrielle Purick
March 13, 2019

More than 350-thousand Americans suffer a sudden cardiac arrest every year, according to Harvard Medical School -- and survival rates are grim if those heart attacks occur outside a hospital. Lester Oliva and Gabrielle Purick from MEDIC makes this their m

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Julia Engel
March 06, 2019

Having a child born with a heart defect can really strike fear into parents, and create hundreds of questions about how your child can survive, and even thrive. Can they play like other kids? Run? Swim? Play sports? Julia Engel was that child, born with "

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Rob Hall
February 27, 2019

This week, we talk with Pridemore's own Rob Hall talks home values with Mike and Scott.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Josh Knipp
February 20, 2019

The last step in buying your dream home is signing on the bottom line, and our next guest helps you do that. Josh Knipp is a closing attorney who can run the bases of your paperwork and field your questions with ease.

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: John Shaw
February 13, 2019

The Mecklenburg County Revaluations are out, did you get yours? While most of the time we think about rising property values as a good thing, this is about the one time most of us wish they'd stay the same. And residential property values here have risen

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Peter Carlino
February 07, 2019

Finding the home of your dreams is just the beginning. You love the location, the floor plan, the back yard, and the local schools. So just buy it and move in, right? Okay, we know there's some paperwork involved, and Peter Carlino is the guy who dots the

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Susan Harden
January 30, 2019

A blue wave swept Mecklenburg County in the November elections, including an unprecedented takeover of the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners. The Board now seats 9 Democrats and no Republicans, after 3 longtime incumbent Republicans were voted fro

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Rian Harris
January 23, 2019

We can all use a moment or two in our day to relax and de-stress, to help us focus on our work. And we all need to spend a few hours a week outside of work, getting some healthy exercise. Our next guest on Charlotte Real Estate Talk is one of Charlotte's

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Troy Meeks
January 16, 2019

The real estate market has been pretty hot in Charlotte the last few years, and now we're seeing several published reports that might make it hotter. Millennials - those born roughly between 1983 and 2000 - are starting to settle down, have kids, and move