Charlotte Real Estate Talk

Charlotte Real Estate Talk

Charlotte Real Estate Talk: Kris Cole

December 18, 2019

There's an old Far Side cartoon showing vultures sitting in a tree wearing dark sunglasses and listening to headphones. The caption says, "Birds of prey know they're cool." It's always good for a laugh! But maintaining the population of sick and injured raptors in Mecklenburg County is also a lot of work.

Enter the Carolina Raptor Center -- started in a basement at UNC-Charlotte nearly 45 years ago, and now grown to a place at Latta Plantation that has taken in more than 20-THOUSAND birds and released 8-thousand of those back into the wild. It's a long, wild history... and getting bigger and better as we speak. Kris Cole joins us now on Charlotte Real Estate Talk to tell us just HOW cool these birds are!