The Preventive Medicine Podcast

Latest Episodes
[ReCast] Preventive Medicine: Fact vs. Fiction – Austin Baraki, MD
This is a re-cast of an episode originally aired in June of 2020. This was an incredible episode that deserves to be heard by all new listeners! In this episode we discuss the role of resistance train
Let’s Separate Weight and Health in 2023 – Ragav Sharma, DO, CSCS
It's 2023. It's time we separate our weight from our health. Everywhere we look, health and weight has been synonymous leading to body dysmorphia, poor relationships with food, and many other issues.
SHIFTing To Concierge Medicine – Ari Levy, MD, MBA
If you listen to this podcast, you likely pay some sort of membership fee either for coaching, the gym, or another health related item. You get access to the facility, time with the coach, and whateve
Happy Holidays and Holiday Prevention – Ragav Sharma, DO, CSCS
The holidays is a time for getting together with family, relaxation, and celebration until it's not. There are many instances of holidays being ruined by preventive injuries and many unfortunate morta
The Only Thing You Should Be Inhaling – Stephen Baldassarri, MD, MHS
We know smoking is bad for us, we've been hearing it for decades at this point. Unfortunately it wasn't always this way. The use of cigarettes and smoking in general has changed dramatically within th
Why Politics and Health go Hand-in-Hand | Abdul El-Sayed, MD, PhD
There is a lot more to health to health than what happens in an examination room. The decisions that are made at the municipal, state, and national levels make incredible impacts that often times can
Better Health Outcomes for Boston – Thea James, MD and Elena Mendez-Escobar, PhD, MBA
Hospitals do a lot for their patients, but what about others in the community? The Boston Medical Center has made it it's mission to provide healthcare to everyone despite ability to pay; furthermore,
How Heat Hurts Our Health - Kristie Ebi, PhD, MPH How Heat Hurts Our Health – Kristie Ebi, PhD, MPH
Climate change has been happening for some time and, while we may not actively notice it, has been harming the health of millions across the globe for some time now. Dr. Kristie Ebi is a professor of
A Global Perspective on Health and Medicine – James Sanders, MD, MPH
Most of us are very privileged when it comes to healthcare. We expect not only to get better from whatever ails us, but that we have easily accessible care equipped with all the necessary medicines, d
Science, The Scientific Method, and Integrity | David Robert Grimes, PhD
Science has gone under attack and many silly or harmful ideas have taken hold in society under the guise of "science." The thing is, there's a lot more to science than just claiming something to be sc