Preservation State

Preservation State

009 - An App Called Privacy

October 12, 2013

## What to talk about this week…

## Michael and I are working on something cool…That can be discussed?

You can ask any question you like… I may or may not answer…

### 1 Password v4 for the Mac released… iCloud goodness all around and interface swiss-ness

Ditched Dropbox? Can still use DropBox, but now Mac has iCloud, which iOS has had for some months.

## Betas and backups. The icloud vs beta 7 users

## Muggies

Simultaneously hilarious and frightening

## Rumors are saying October 22nd for the iPad event… no official announcement yet.

* A7?

* Motion co proc

* Retina on mini

* Touch ID

* Or something unknown 

## Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus – on order… sweet!

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