Preservation State

Preservation State

008 - “Laughtrack Anarchy”

October 05, 2013
5s photography

Machine-gun Burst Shooting mode – snap off 50 photos without thinking about it. Managing bursts and saving out favorites – currently no support in Aperture for bursts…

Weren’t we supposed to get video syncing via iCloud Photo Stream? Or is that not until Maverics?

Touch ID

Does it really increase your security? German dudes have successfully created a synthetic fingerprint that can be used on a live finger to fool the scanner… takes real time and skill.

90%+ success rate in my use… will only get better over time.

Apple should add 2-factor (fingerprint + passcode) authentication option

Still get asked for my iTunes password a lot…

iOS brainwash

Is it good? Are we too indoctrinated ?

Network Resets Through iOS 7 Settings May Fix Issues with Sending iMessages
Hype 2.0

– Experiences from a non web dev

– When is it appropriate to animate a web interface? CSS animation/transformation in general.

Apple beats out Coca Cola as worlds most valuable brand

How do you fund your App Store addiction… I mean purchases?

Any coinage I receive (besides coins older than me) ends up in a bowl, once a month I go to coinstar and trade it in for iTunes credit. No fee.

Space X making the future of civilian space travel happen,0,5366535.story

From friend of the show Brett Terpstra – Marked2 is out!
Google Web Designer launches in beta, available now as a free download

I have simply fallen in love with Parks & Recreation.

Gay. Happy I mean.

Something else that makes me gay

Pocket Trains iOS+

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