Preservation State

Preservation State

007 - Furby Poops in Your iPad

September 26, 2013
Episode 007

If Superman were real, NATO or individual world powers would have to keep secret stockpiles of Kryptonite in case SM went rogue. The new Cold War.

Gold iPhones instantly sold out – and you can have them!

Gold is the best Jerry, the Best!

Steve Jobs childhood home and garage in which Apple was born up for Historical status
Restoring phones

Explorations into the fat that lives in the iPhone over time. This app claims to clear cache files and recover space without doing a restore.

Tastes like a scam app… no website and dubious functionality (where is the list of files that will be deleted?) no reviews by anyone known. lots of complaints about deleting all sorts of stuff on people’s phones. I would not run this on my phone.

OMNI Group

Updating all of their apps with new versions that require new purchase. Too rich for my blood.

Walt Mossberg leaving WSJ
Appletv update 6.0

Apple pulled it, but I updated before it got yanked and all is good for me.

The trickle down effect of iOS 7

iOS 7 has been a fresh coat of paint on the system. It seems to have rubbed its way onto apps that needed a refresh. Examples: Simplenote & Write

Reactions to iOS 7 from non nerds

  • How do I quit apps?


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