Preservation State

Preservation State

006 - Pink & Kitty with Brett Terpstra

September 18, 2013
006 show notes
A conversation with Brett Terpstra

In which three gentlemen ruminate upon workflow automation, anti-heroes, the origins of K-9 companions and other important issues of the day.

Automation love-fest 2013
Anti-Heroes – a reflection of society

  • Weeds
  • Breaking Bad
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Batman (The flawed hero) vs Superman (the benevolent, or not, overlord)

What is a Pit Bull?

Marked 2 coming very, very, very soon

  • 2 weeks away
  • $11.99
  • Not on the app store for now – but he’s gonna do it JUST FOR US! lol
  • Sweet new features

    • Full search
    • Collapsible headlines
    • New doc from clipboard
    • Watch a folder not just a file
    • Interface with MarsEdit, Scrivener, Voodoo Pad
    • Serious speed improvements

  • Marked 1 remaining on the App Store

My Buddy Mason – Deathcore!

  • Pink & Kitty
  • The Janitors of Anarchy vs. The Reluctant Cowgirls – fight!

Mood Blast – broadcast your mood
Brett Recommends – The Glenlivet Nàdurra 16 Year Old

Find Brett on the web

Its been a long week and its only Monday

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