Prehensile and Gretel

Latest Episodes
Back From Wherever
Many podcasters do seven or eight episodes and then disappear. You probably thought that happened to us. Well, for a while it did. Now we’re back. Sorry for the delay. Life sometimes has a way of making itself a priority … Continue reading →
PG-009 Musical Impressions
Hello everyone! Can you believe we’re actually putting out two podcasts within a 4 week period? No shit! Well, part of it is due to the fact that we recorded a longer than usual show on New Year’s Eve. Then … Continue reading →
Fine pickings from the internet
Hi everyone! Gosh dang, it’s been a long time since our last post. And we apologize for that. This episode is the first half of a longer piece we recorded on New Year’s Eve, if you can believe it. Things … Continue reading →
PG-007 Back from beyond wherever
Yes, it’s been way too long since the last episode and we’re very apologetic about it. Too much going on. Sepetember was crazy with volunteer activities and then October came and went. Rita and I have been anxious to get … Continue reading →
PG-006 Phil reads Randy Scuffle and a walking tale
Phil Reebius reads from The Randy Scuffle Papers. That means meatballs, hot dogs, bologna art and more.
PG-005 Odd food products, God speaks and basketball
Hi everyone! This episode is a good one, with a variety of memories, commentary and juvenile behavior. Food: Phil and Rita frequently talk about food and this is no exception. In this episode we manage to discuss Hamdingers, Orbit gum,
PG-004 Juvenile Flatulence and Childhood Woes
It’s been a bad couple of weeks, so Phil and Rita start off with some juvenile humor. Hey we’re all still 12 years old. Celebrity farts: We play the game and make some noise perfect for laughter around the dinner table. … Continue reading →
PG-003 The Fourth of July Show
In this episode we welcome our new sponsor “Lightnin Buggzzz,” the “Diaper With A Social Conscience.” Plus, we dive into the following topics: Fireworks: What would the 4th of July be without fireworks? And what would it be like in … Continue reading →
PG-002 Vegetarian Options
In this episide of Prehensile and Gretel we unscientifically examinea wide range of topicsthat, without any prior planning, ended up loosely connected to food. Lemons and Limes:Juice, zest and the