Praying in the Rain

Praying in the Rain

Latest Episodes

Individualism and Charismatic Delusion
December 22, 2015

In an on-going discussion with my inquiring friend today, I respond to two questions. First, why do traditional Christians call priests father; and second, why do we pray to saints (i.e. why don’t we just go to God ourselves)? Orthodoxy assumes that it ta

Suicide and Hell
December 15, 2015

A friend of mine who is an Orthodox inquirer resently asked me some questions about hell. My friend has been a paramedic for many years and has tried to save (sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing) the lives of many suicides. Knowing that the mental sta

Cold Rain, Wind And Fog. Repeat.
December 08, 2015

Maybe it’s just the weather: Cold rain, wind and fog. Repeat. If there is any lesson I have learned while praying in the rain, while I have tried to pray in the damp, dreary mess that is my life, if there is any one thing I have learned it is this: God is

Meeting God in Unanswered Prayer
December 01, 2015

Someone, apparently a young adult, wrote me recently and asked about prayer. This person was having a hard time discerning the difference between worry and prayer. He or she was wondering if prayer, although salutary to ourselves, really does have an effe

Your Kingdom Come: Transfiguration
November 24, 2015

Repentance is a process by which we allow our minds to be changed and illumined which results in a change in our whole being: our transfiguration.

Sinful Dreams and Spiritual Warfare
November 17, 2015

A catechumen once asked what he could do to get victory over bad dreams: especially lustful dreams that roused his passions and often led him into temptation. I told him that this is one of those aspects of life in a fallen body that must be resisted and

Your Kingdom Come: The Sorting Parables
November 10, 2015

What is the Kingdom that we are to pray come? In one sense, you can say that the Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew’s gospel, is the government of God: the fact that God is ruler over all, and the Kingdom of heaven is how God rules all. W

Your Kingdom Come: Look To The Monastics
November 03, 2015

I had a conversation recently in which I couldn’t explain very clearly a comment I made several times, and as a result there was a certain amount of misunderstanding. I realize that perhaps many people have this same misunderstanding, and since it has to

Humility And The Unseen Martyrdom
October 27, 2015

Fr. Michael shares his reflections on St. Isaac the Syrian's response to the question, "If, after a man has greatly toiled, laboured, and struggled, the thought of pride shamelessly assails him—taking occasion from the beauty of his virtues—and reckons up

Hallowed Be Your Name: Some Grammar and A Reflection
October 20, 2015

After the introductory address of “Our Father in heaven,” the Lord taught His disciples to make three commands.