Pray Every Day

Pray Every Day

Psalm 79

June 12, 2021

Today’s Scripture:

God, the nations have invaded your inheritance,desecrated your holy temple,and turned Jerusalem into ruins.2 They gave the corpses of your servantsto the birds of the sky for food,the flesh of your faithful onesto the beasts of the earth.3 They poured out their bloodlike water all around Jerusalem,and there was no one to bury them.4 We have become an object of reproachto our neighbors,a source of mockery and ridiculeto those around us.

5 How long, Lord? Will you be angry forever?Will your jealousy keep burning like fire?6 Pour out your wrath on the nationsthat don’t acknowledge you,on the kingdoms that don’t call on your name,7 for they have devoured Jacoband devastated his homeland.8 Do not hold past iniquities[a] against us;let your compassion come to us quickly,for we have become very weak.

9 God of our salvation, help us,for the glory of your name.Rescue us and atone for our sins,for your name’s sake.10 Why should the nations ask,“Where is their God?” Before our eyes,let vengeance for the shed blood of your servantsbe known among the nations.11 Let the groans of the prisoners reach you;according to your great power,preserve those condemned to die.

12 Pay back sevenfold to our neighborsthe reproach they have hurled at you, Lord.13 Then we, your people, the sheep of your pasture,will thank you forever;we will declare your praiseto generation after generation.

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June Show Sponsors:
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Northwestern Christian Writers Conference
I'm so excited the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference is joining us this month as a sponsor. If you have a story to tell, but need guidance, you'll find it at the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference. This year you have the option to attend in person or online.
I'll be attending this year as a Books & Such Literary Agent. I would love to see you there!

I'm so excited the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference is joining us this month as a sponsor. If you have a story to tell but need guidance, you'll find it at the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference. This year you have the option to attend in person or online.
I'll be attending this year as a Books & Such Literary Agent. I would love to see you there! Space is limited, so make sure you get your ticket to the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference today! 
Lyneta Smith
So grateful to Lyneta Smith author of Curtain Call for sponsoring the Pray Every Day Show! Lyneta Smith thought she was having a breakdown, when in fact,