Pray Every Day
Isaiah 42
Today’s Scripture:
[a] “Here is my servant whom I support,my chosen one in whom I take pleasure.I have placed my Spirit on him;he will make just decrees[b] for the nations.[c]2 He will not cry out or shout;he will not publicize himself in the streets.[d]3 A crushed reed he will not break,a dim wick he will not extinguish;[e]he will faithfully make just decrees.[f]4 He will not grow dim or be crushed[g]before establishing justice on the earth;the coastlands[h] will wait in anticipation for his decrees.”[i]5 This is what the true God,[j] the Lord, says—the one who created the sky and stretched it out,the one who fashioned the earth and everything that lives on it,[k]the one who gives breath to the people on it,and life to those who live on it:[l]6 “I, the Lord, officially commission you;[m]I take hold of your hand.I protect you[n] and make you a covenant mediator for people,[o]and a light[p] to the nations,[q]7 to open blind eyes,[r]to release prisoners[s] from dungeons,those who live in darkness from prisons.
8 “I am the Lord! That is my name!I will not share my glory with anyone else,or the praise due me with idols.9 Look, my earlier predictive oracles have come to pass;[t]now I announce new events.Before they begin to occur,I reveal them to you.”[u]10 Sing to the Lord a brand new song!
Praise him[v] from the horizon of the earth,you who go down to the sea, and everything that lives in it,[w]you coastlands[x] and those who live there.