Pray Every Day

Pray Every Day

Micah 2:1-6

January 14, 2020

Today’s Scripture:

What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night,    thinking up evil plans.You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out,    simply because you have the power to do so.2 When you want a piece of land,    you find a way to seize it.When you want someone’s house,    you take it by fraud and violence.You cheat a man of his property,    stealing his family’s inheritance.

3 But this is what the Lord says:“I will reward your evil with evil;    you won’t be able to pull your neck out of the noose.You will no longer walk around proudly,    for it will be a terrible time.”

4 In that day your enemies will make fun of you    by singing this song of despair about you:    “We are finished,        completely ruined!    God has confiscated our land,        taking it from us.    He has given our fields        to those who betrayed us.[a]”5 Others will set your boundaries then,    and the Lord’s people will have no say    in how the land is divided.

6 “Don’t say such things,”    the people respond.[b]“Don’t prophesy like that.    Such disasters will never come our way!”


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