Conversations as you Go

73. David Watson #6 – Coaching
So what do we actually do once we find a person of peace? In this, our last episode of David Watson’s training, we are walked through some of the coaching and mentoring questions we can use when starting a movement. David emphasises how important it is to focus in on coaching the right people who are starting to facilitate Discovery Bible Studies (DBS).
David calls the facilitator of a group the first level of leadership in movement. He describes how all the steps of the DBS are vital to form healthy churches. It is the coaches job to develop the facilitator in the skills to form these groups through debriefing how the DBS went.
But debriefing is so much more than just coaching. Mentoring is also involved where character development takes place. David takes us through six key questions a mentor can ask. These are:
- What are you doing to improve your relationship with God?
- What are you doing to improve your relationship with your family?
- What are you doing to improve your relationships with your community including your church?
- What are you doing to understand and improve your reason that God put you here?
- What are you doing to be a better employee or team member?
- What are you doing to improve yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually?
- Also, any problem areas?
Finally, David encourages us to give this a go. Coaching a person of peace to facilitate a DBS instead of leading a group ourselves is a big paradigm shift for many of us. We need to be willing to fail and learn from our mistakes when seeking to reach all sorts of lost people. But we need to take the first step and coach someone to start a DBS.