Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

65. Rodrick #1 -Movements in India

November 30, 2022

Dave is speaking from India to Rodrick, an Indian movement leader who visited many of us in Australia back in 2012. 

Rodrick firstly gives us an insight into what is happening across India today sharing about the spiritual darkness across much of the nation. He then dives into some of the reasons why movement is sparking. He highlights three areas: 

  • The habit of long term prayer and fasting by exisiting believers. This models prayer to the next generation of disciples. 

  • The Holy Spirit raising up “sons of soil” (or first generation new believers) who pray and take ownership of their own people. 

  • The spontaneous flow of the gifts of the Holy Spirit amongst the grass-root harvest force. 

Rodrick also discusses the themes of the Word of God that are being shared across the movement. These include: 

  • Repentance from sin.

  • Promises of God regarding defeating the powers of darkness.

He gives insight into the western mindset of intellectual knowledge compared to experiencing God intimately. Intimacy with God, Roderick says, is what empowers. 

Roderick speaks about how everyone can witness from the ‘little’ they know and have experienced. Telling others the extra details is often not helpful. Simply sharing our deliverance with others is enough. Christian witnesses are naturally super contagious.

Finally, Roderick encourages us to make the shift from being caught up in a program or relating to God in our brains to encountering God in our hearts. This he says will result in God’s anointing being increased in our lives, make us sharper and more effective.