Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

62. Roger Hayward #1 – God’s puzzle pieces

November 08, 2022

This episode we have the privilege of hearing the journey of Jesus calling Roger, our Praxeis New Zealand leader, to follow him. As a young man at age 17, God launched Rog into global missions. This saw him travel the nations of Asia with YWAM. We hear how God captured Roger’s heart as he started to reveal to him what he calls God’s ‘puzzle pieces’ along the way. 

Roger reflects on how one of the key missing pieces on his journey was in asking the wrong question. Instead of asking ‘how do we do church?’, Roger can now see the right question is ‘how do we make disciples?’. 

You’ll be enriched by the many stories along the way that Roger shares. From nations like Japan to Scotland and back home to New Zealand. Roger shares with us the highs and lows of what it has looked like for him to respond to Jesus’ call to ‘go’. 

He encourages us to keep obeying the call God has placed on our own lives. Even though there are stops and starts, God will continue to reveal the pieces of the puzzle of what he is doing. We are to simply remain dependent as we seek him and allow him to lead us and fill in the blanks along the way.