Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

56. Fire on the Cape

September 06, 2022

We hear from Steve and Mel Behrens this week. They share how they are flying in and out of indigenous communities on the Cape (Cape York, in Far North Queensland). Discovery Groups are starting that are multiplying out.

They share about how they are initially connecting into these remote places. The Behrens set up what they call ‘fire-side yarns’. These are gathering where they seek to form church for the locals. They tell us how some the keys is to be really intentional when inviting people to commit to gathering. Perseverance despite opposition is also vital.

Be encouraged as you hear the Behrens’ vision and some of the powerful stories of what God is doing in the lives of these spiritually hungry indigenous people.

Finally, be blessed by something very special at the end of the episode!