Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

47. Jacqui Grey – Courageous Women #2

July 04, 2022

This is part two of our conversation with Prof Jacqualine Grey (Professor of Biblical Studies at Alphacrucis) as we continue our series on Courageous Women.

In this episode, Jacqui shares about how Jesus counter culturally treated the women of his day. We’ll see for example, how radical it would have been for Jesus to include women as his disciples. Like in the story of Mary and Martha.

The New Testament shows us how both men and women were equally valued. It would have been seen as vital that both men and women were involved in all areas of ministry and leadership in the early church. Jacqui shares how women’s involvement in the New Testament church was essential if the gospel was to grow.

We also invite Jacqui to address ‘those scriptures’ that seem to limit women in some of Paul’s letters. She helps unpack some of the context behind Paul’s words to help us better understand why he said what he did. 

Finally, Jacqui gives us a word of encouragement for both men and women who are called to be bold and courageous as we step into the new territory God has for us today.