Conversations as you Go
45. Letitia Shelton – City Women
Over the coming weeks we will be hearing from varioius women on mission. We will hear their stories. How they overcame difficulties and blockages.
Join us as they speak into the challenges of being in ministry and leadership. Hear how they are catalysing other women to reach out. To break through the barriers they face to follow God and his call.
We will also dive deeper into understanding a biblical basis for women in ministry and leadership as the series progresses.
We start our ‘courageous women’ podcast series this week joined by Letitia Shelton from ‘City Women’. Letitia has a remarkable story of stepping out into her community and empowering women in her city of Toowoomba (Queensland, Australia). You will be inspired by her story of how she has catalysed many into mission beyond the traditional structures of church. Letitia is a powerful voice when it comes to seeing women stepping out to become, what she calls, ‘disruptive women’.