Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

28. What is a disciple?

February 04, 2022

In this podcast we are talking with Andrew Pyman, Mel Behrens and Vicki Stokes, and have an open discussion about ‘what is a disciple?’ Each one are great disciple makers! Instead of dealing with the strategy or method, we turn the spotlight on ourselves and our own hearts. We deal with the traditional answers of discipleship that we grew up with in Church. How did each one of us learn to become a disciple of Jesus? How do we we engage with God’s word? There are some great answers such as being part of a community who values and models discipleship. We discuss how to not follow Jesus in our own strength, and being humble. How to rest with God. You will enjoy listening to these proven disciple makers who carry a vision for multiplying disciples in various mission fields. We all desire to become a disciple worth multiplying.