Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

11. Peter Roennfeldt – What is church?

September 23, 2021

As we began Praxeis our friend Peter Roennfeldt was very foundational. We studied the book of Acts together as we were forming team and church in the western suburbs of Melbourne. We found ourselves sitting with Peter in cafes, African restaurants and the like, reading and praying together. In this season, the story Acts and the birth of the early church became a living church planting manual for us.

Peter is unwavering in his commitment to scripture. Jesus and the early church becomes the formative model for us to learn from. It is never more relevant today as we struggle to adjust in this unusual season of COVID.

It is really worthwhile visiting Peter's website Here you will find a new equipping package for multiplying disciples. It can be can be found at this link here.  He is very practical and helps us to take concrete steps today in reaching out to our neighbours. I have found Peter's material so grounded in scripture that he always stretches my mind... and practise. I hope he does the same for you.