Conversations as you Go

Conversations as you Go

6 – Asia Hub talk. Dave

August 19, 2021

This week we listen to a talk I gave at our Asia Hub. I talk about movements lessons learnt from 3 seasons of life.

India - where we encountered people from the harvest coming to Christ and multiplying fast! We learnt that

The gospel in good soil multiplies (Parable of the Sower)Instantaneous multiplication (It’s fast!)It’s God’s work not oursPower encounter, prayer and the work of the Holy SpiritKey inside leaders (POP) are the best! 

Season 2 we were church planting in Australia. We learnt that

The traditional church is a barrier for most non-christians in AustraliaPeople have to navigate church tradition and culture to find Jesus. Church is not ‘stage, singing and sermons’Church within movements are formed around households (oikos) and people that belong together (affinity)Discipleship is the core. Discipleship is evangelismThe gospels leaves us with one conclusion. Jesus made disciples in the harvest that multiplied If you make disciples you always get church, if you plant churches you won’t always get disciplesDon’t start with Church. Start with making disciplesThe book of ACTS is the fruit of Jesus ministry 

In season 3 we focussed on Movement, DMM taking place here in Australia and the nations. some lessons we have learnt are

DBS and discovery methodologyClear Methods accelerate Movement Developing a clear strategy ofPray - Go - Disciple - MultiplyBeing driven by Core Values (Word, Spirit, Mission)The value of multiplying leaders and teamsThe importance of catalysing inside leaders, Training coaching and mentoringA saturation vision is the end goal