Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

God is Light
July 23, 2023

Excited to have a special speaker this Sunday as Mason preached from 1 John 1. Using his science background, he teaches us a new perspective with the familiar phrase, God is Light. Are we walking

Loyal in Faith
July 16, 2023

The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is pure toward Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9). Jehoshaphat is tested later in his life t

Delight in God’s Ways
July 09, 2023

Jehoshaphat starts well in following the LORD but he also works to bring his people closer to God with the removal of idolatry and teaching the law of the LORD. But then he makes a dangerous alliance

Faithful or Forsaking
July 02, 2023

Asa was king of Judah who changed from his fathers pattern to seek the LORD and His help. The LORD was seeking someone to let Him do just that. Are we faithful to let God work through us? 2 Chronicle

Run with Endurance
June 25, 2023

Having heard the testimony of these heroes of the faith and that God testifies of their faith, we are inspired to run with endurance the race of faith set before us. But we must look steadfastly at Je

Choice of faith
June 18, 2023

Moses was pointed in direction of faith by his birth parents and their faith. His adoptive family gave him much but when the time came, he knew that Egypt did not offer him eternal life. By reasoned f

Pioneers in Faith
June 11, 2023

The LORD challenged Abraham and Sarah to trust Him enough to leave their home, their family, and their culture identity in order to let God start something new with them a new home, a new family, an

Noah found grace
June 04, 2023

Noah sought God while living in a world that ignored God at best and defied God more often than not. And by his faith, Noah found grace in Gods sight. And God rewards those who seek Him. The LORD sho

A Good and Perfect Rule
May 28, 2023

The rule of sin is broken by Christ as He bodily defeated the temptations of sin and He defeats sin in our body through His Spirit. Christ fulfilled righteousness bodily so that He can bring righteous

Rule of the Spirit
May 21, 2023

Paul gives a personal glimpse of the struggles he felt between his old way of living (the rule of sin) and his new life in Christ (rule of Spirit). There were daily defeats but the war is already won