Practicing Gospel Podcast

Called to Reconciliation with Dr. Jay Augustine PGE 89
My guest for this episode is the Reverend Dr. Jonathan C. Augustine. But that is the name that appears on his books. In his personal relationships, Dr. Augustine goes by Jay.
Dr. Augustine serves as senior pastor of St. Joseph AME Church, in Durham, NC, and as general chaplain of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is an accomplished author, respected academic leader, and nationally recognized social justice advocate who speaks for the equality of all human beings. Prior to Dr. Augustine’s current pastoral service, he led Historic St. James AME Church (1844), in downtown New Orleans, the oldest predominantly black, Protestant congregation in the Deep South, while simultaneously teaching at Southern University Law Center. He recently served as a visiting professor at North Carolina Central University Law School and as a consulting faculty member at Duke University Divinity School, where he is also a member of the Board of Visitors and a missional strategist with the Center for Reconciliation.
After graduating from Howard University, with a degree in economics, Augustine served as a decorated infantry officer in the United States Army. He earned his law degree at Tulane University and served as a law clerk to Chief Justice (then-Associate) Bernette Joshua Johnson, at the Louisiana Supreme Court, before practicing law and serving in both publicly elected and appointed offices in Louisiana. After accepting the call to ordained ministry, he earned his Master of Divinity degree, at United Theological Seminary, as a Beane Fellow and National Rainbow-PUSH Coalition Scholar, before completing a fellowship at Princeton Theological Seminary, and earning his Doctor of Ministry at Duke University.
In addition to numerous articles published in law reviews, Dr. Augustine is the author of three books that can be found on Amazon: The Keys Are Being Passed: Race, Law, Religion and the Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement , Called to Reconciliation: How the Church Can Model Justice, Diversity, and Inclusion , and his most recent work, When Prophets Preach: Leadership and the Politics of the Pulpit .
In this episode Dr. Augustine and I will be discussing Called to Reconciliation.
You can learn more about Dr. Augustine from his website:
The intro and outro music for this episode is from a clip of a song called ‘Father Let Your Kingdom Come’ which is found on The Porter’s Gate Worship Project Work Songs album and is used by permission by The Porter’s Gate Worship Project.