Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

When Adult Kids Move Back Home – MBFLP 219
January 23, 2019

What do you do when the adult kids move out ... and then come back? It's not uncommon - the Census Bureau reports that more than one out of three Millennials (ages 18-34) are living at home with their parents. (In some states, it's nearly 50%!) -

Children in “Big Church” – MBLFP 218
January 10, 2019

  - Should children be in the main church service with the big people? We had eight children and we've tried to keep them in "big church" with us as much as possible. And we found that, with some wisdom and attention, it's not only possible,

Five Ways to Optimize Your Christmas Budget – MBFLP 217
December 05, 2018

  - Whether the economy is strong or struggling, the traditional Christmas gift-buying rush is a major expense. When you've got a big family like ours, that only accentuates it! This week, we're talking about ways we've learned to make your Christmas ...

Long Distances with Little Ones – MBFLP 216
November 01, 2018

The Thanksgiving holiday is the busiest time of year on America's highways, and you may be driving long hours with little ones on board. How do you manage this so you all arrive at Grandma's in good spirits?

Date Night (even when you “can’t”) – MBFLP 215
October 22, 2018

Once upon a time, when we were young parents a long way from home, we heard someone say, "Date night is absolutely necessary for a healthy marriage!" When you're new in town and grandparents are a thousand miles away, that's discouraging!

Why Teaching Manners Matters – MBFLP 214
October 15, 2018

Are Manners Important? In the digital age, when informality and familiarity is the norm in so many places, is it too “old school” to teach manners to your kids? Have we moved past all the old social niceties?

Stopping Sibling Squabbling – MBFLP 213
September 22, 2018

If your child has siblings it's just about certain they'll have squabbling. Sibling rivalry of one sort or another is unpleasant but normal - the question for us as parents is, "What can I do about it? How can I deal with the bickering and arguments,

Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers – MBFLP 212
September 20, 2018

Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers We homeschooled from the very beginning, which meant that we’ve always had babies and toddlers in the mix. We’ve always had multiple ages to deal with! - What’s the number one thing we wish we’d known?

iGen – Understanding the New Generation – MBFLP 211
September 11, 2018

Move over, Millennials - the new generation has arrived! Researcher Jean Twenge calls them iGen - the first generation that's grown up with smart phone in hand. How has that shaped their thinking? What does that mean for the rest of us?

Entrepreneurship and College – MBFLP 210
August 27, 2018

Is your son or daughter an entrepreneur at heart? Are you or they, either one, debating whether college is even worthwhile for a young person aiming at their own business?  This episode, we talk with our son Samuel Adams Young,