Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Relationships and Holiday Stress – MBFLP 239
November 24, 2019

  - The song says, "It's the most wonderful time of the year," but for many families, it's also the most stressful. How can you accomplish all you need to do during the holidays, without putting a strain on your family relationships?

Teaching Your Kids (and yourself) to THINK– MBFLP 238
November 19, 2019

Have you ever looked at your child and asked, "What were you thinking?" - and then realized that he wasn't thinking at all? That's common enough - and to be honest, sometimes it doesn't improve in adulthood. This episode,

Chores – Why and How – MBFLP 237
November 17, 2019

Studies show that although children who have regular chores are more likely to be happy as kids and independent as adults, less than one out of three families expect their kids to help around the house. Only 28%! As a family of ten,

Real Modesty (a redux episode) – MBFLP 236
November 06, 2019

Hello, Friends! - Melanie's come down with laryngitis this week so we'd like to offer this return to a frequent issue for Christians in conservative churches - Modesty! And we think you'll find there's more to it, and less of what you may expect,

Myths of Motherhood – MBFLP 235
October 23, 2019

Hal is out of town with the children and Melanie is helping her mother after major surgery, so this episode Melanie tackles some common ideas about motherhood that may not be quite so. Join this mother of eight (five all grown now) as she looks at "Myt...

Teaching “Adulting” – MBFLP 234
October 04, 2019

  - Studies show that young adults are often not prepared for adult independence. Psychologists say the current generation is growing up slowly, and some even say “Twenty-five is the new fifteen”!* But if our parents and grandparents were function...

The Parent-Child Relationship – MBFLP 233
September 23, 2019

The overwhelming business of raising a child can cause us to miss the importance of our relationship with them. There's so much to think about, so much to do, so much to pray over and work on - how can we put the proper emphasis on the "soft skills"?

Finding a Mate – MBFLP 232
August 24, 2019

Does the Bible give us guidance on finding a mate? Of course - but it's not as detailed as some of the more recent advice we've all heard. This episode we're talking about some unmistakable - and non-negotiable - things the Scriptures tell us about guy...

When Christian Leaders Fall – MBFLP 231
August 23, 2019

What to you do when prominent Christian leaders walk away from the faith? How do you think this through, and how do you talk about it to your kids? - In the past month, author and former pastor Joshua Harris announced the end of his twenty-year marria...

College Without Debt or Fortune – MBFLP 230
August 16, 2019

We're on the road this week, taking our son - our fifth son, by the way - off to college. He's not taking on a load of debt - and neither are we. And we're not rolling in dough and writing checks to cover it, either! - In fact,