Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP – When There’s Sickness In The House
June 16, 2014

The traditional wedding vows promise to be faithful "in sickness and in health," but often that's not just the illness of the husband or wife--and not something to be treated with over-the-counter products.

MBFLP – Youth Groups – Good, Bad, or Depends?
June 09, 2014

Reports circulating online suggest that large numbers of evangelical Christians are skeptical that youth ministries are effective - or even Biblical. Yet thousands of American kids (and their parents) are involved with the local church youth group,

MBFLP – Answering Your Questions About Raising Boys
June 02, 2014

We're answering real questions from our friends, fans, and listeners, about the challenge and blessing of raising boys - the early summer edition! - In this episode, we deal with - - What to do about lying and dishonesty

MBFLP – Coming of Age Ceremonies
May 26, 2014

  - Society expects young people are nothing more than hormone-driven slackers who won't be useful members of society until they're out of college ... if then. That's not what we find in Scripture, though!

MBFLP – Entrepreneurship with Ethics with John Dodd
May 19, 2014

  - There's a lot of talk about doing business from home, whether it's Mom and Dad starting a family business, or teenagers creating a microbusiness project. What you believe about money, wealth, and the government's role,

MBFLP – Transitioning to Adulthood with Israel Wayne
May 12, 2014

  - We all want to raise competent, well-prepared adults as our children grow up. Sometimes our best intentions, though, could be interfering with their growth and may result in something quite different than we hope -- even a broken relationship with...

MBFLP – Making College Visits Count
May 05, 2014

This week, we talk about the importance of making a visit to any college your students may be considering -- and more importantly, how to get the biggest impact for each hour you spend on campus! We've graduated three who all went to college,

MBFLP – Books Boys Love, and Getting Boys To Love Books
April 28, 2014

Some educators and librarians so are desperate to get boys to read something, anything, that they'll turn a blind eye to any but the most objectionable material. "Well, at least they're reading," they'll say. Yet deep down,

MBFLP – Let’s Talk Husbands & Dads: Love Like Jesus
April 21, 2014

  -   - The Christian homeschool world is in an uproar over the resent resignations of two influential leaders in the movement called "Patriarchy." Does the Bible really teach the things we are hearing in these cases?

MBFLP – Let’s Talk Wives & Moms: Controlling our Tongues
April 14, 2014

  - This week, Hal's out of town, so Melanie takes the opportunity to chat with moms about a temptation many of us have - to use our tongues in the wrong way with our husbands and children. Join her to talk about how to bless our husbands and motivate...