Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP – Teaching Kids About Liberty and Government
November 03, 2014

On the eve of the mid-term elections, how do we talk about the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity? How can we help keep the next generation from trading our hard-won freedom for supposed security or momentary gain?

MBFLP – Celebrating Reformation Day
October 27, 2014

On October 31, 1517, a young theologian and priest named Martin Luther posted a list of debate questions on the door of the university church in Wittemburg, Germany. What was intended as a invitation for scholars and theologians to meet and consider,

MBFLP – Our Biggest Parenting Struggle
October 20, 2014

In your time as a parent, what's been your biggest struggle? Was it a single event, or a certain age, or an ongoing battle? We asked our Facebook community and were overwhelmed by the response! This episode,

MBFLP – In God We Trust; All Others Bring Data
October 13, 2014

Often we think we know, but can't prove it to a skeptic. Homeschooling is one example; we like what we see in our family, but admit that maybe our experience isn't the norm. Lawmakers, public school officials,

MBFLP – What Homeschool Grads Wish We Knew (Or Had Discovered Sooner)
October 05, 2014

Have you ever wondered, if you could "do it all over again," would you do things differently? Maybe you've graduated one student, but have a younger sibling following. It's fairly easy to see whether your academics were on target,

MBFLP – Boy Question Free-For-All
September 29, 2014

Another of our popular sessions answering your questions about raising sons -- How can you encourage sons to pursue their individual gifts? How do you keep rough-and-tumble from coming fighting and bullying?

MBFLP – Family Devotions (and how to get them done)
September 22, 2014

What can be more Biblical than studying the Bible together as a family ... after all, we all know you're supposed to teach these things diligently to your children, and talk of them "when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way,

MBFLP – Balancing Family and Business in a Family Business
September 15, 2014

One of the things that makes a family business attractive is the freedom to have more time with your spouse and kids! Yet entrepreneurs quickly learn there's a balancing act going on -- it's no longer your employer which drives your schedule,

MBFLP – Entrepreneurship As A Family Thing
September 08, 2014

In 2006, Hal left the corporate world and he and Melanie started their own company. Three years later, God gave them the business which actually took off and grew, the business they're in today. Are you interested in "coming home" and running a family ...

MBFLP – Academic Success In College
September 01, 2014

So your student has graduated from homeschooling and moved into the big new world of classrooms, professors, and study carrels in the library. You've got him all loaded up to confront humanism and hedonism ... but will he be able to handle the homework?