Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Adulting – MBFLP 197
March 21, 2018

Studies are showing that high school seniors are less prepared for independent adult life than their parents and grandparents were, and psychologists are saying "Twenty-five is the new fifteen." Does it have to be that way?

Adulting – MBFLP 197
March 21, 2018

Studies are showing that high school seniors are less prepared for independent adult life than their parents and grandparents were, and psychologists are saying "Twenty-five is the new fifteen." Does it have to be that way?

Love and Sickness – MBFLP 196
March 01, 2018

  -   To love and to cherish ... in sickness and in health For most of us, getting married at our healthy young-adult peak, the thought of life-rattling sickness is just a theoretical thing ... most of us haven't suffered more than an annual flu...

Love and Sickness – MBFLP 196
March 01, 2018

  -   To love and to cherish ... in sickness and in health For most of us, getting married at our healthy young-adult peak, the thought of life-rattling sickness is just a theoretical thing ... most of us haven't suffered more than an annual flu...

Protecting Your Kids from Predators – MBFLP 195
February 09, 2018

Just when you thought the rise in sexual abuse of kids couldn't get more horrifying, recent news has been full of the trials and convictions of Dr. Larry Nassar, the former team physician for Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics - the oversight...

Have A Great Mid-life Crisis – MBFLP 194
January 28, 2018

"Is midlife crisis even a real thing?" The question arose in a Christian forum recently, and it's a valid concern. Should we just expect something to go bad when we turn 40, and brace ourselves for a time of existential grief and self-searching?

Why Do You Have SO Many Children? – MBFLP 193
January 27, 2018

Only one out of five American families has more than two kids. If you're in that 20%, you've probably been asked why - or if you're in the 80%, you might have posed the question yourself! We have eight kids, and we've been asked - this episode,

Dealing with Parental Guilt – MBFLP 192
January 17, 2018

A recent study reported that parents experience 23 "pangs of guilt" every week about their parenting decisions. Surely we're not all ruining our children, destroying the planet, and failing in every regard.

Talking About the Movies – MBFLP 191
January 09, 2018

This episode, we open up about several of the big releases in the theaters right now - and share some principles we use for evaluating entertainment through a Biblical lens for our family! Join us as we look at Darkest Hour,

Christmas and Convictions – MBFLP 190
December 07, 2017

For a holiday in the church calendar, it's amazing how many opinions and practices and scruples Christians have about celebrating Christ's birth! This week we start from a friend's question about Christmas trees and look at the underlying issues of Chr...