Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP 110 – Difficult People At The Holidays

December 22, 2015

Recently, Harvard University's Office for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion published a "Holiday Placemat for Social Justice" to help freshmen have "productive conversations" with family members over holiday dinners (story reported by The College Fix). Sounds like a recipe for indigestion ...
Even without SJW talking points, some people come to the feast loaded for bear. And as homeschoolers, we're probably used to hearing pointed or even confrontational questions at family gatherings. Is there really a productive and God-honoring way to defend our convictions and deflect hostile interactions ... at Christmas dinner? How can we avoid both the unpleasant relatives and the possibility of becoming one ourselves? Can we ease the return of our college students, young adults, or military members after long separations? We're talking about difficult people at the holidays - and how to love them.