Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP – Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

December 29, 2014

For many families, Christmas is the time they update their smart phones, unwrap a new laptop, or add a phablet to the home network. Once, concerned parents were told, "Keep the computer in the family room and turn the screen where everybody can see it." That's not enough to prevent mischief online any more, since more and more of us - and our children - can reach out and touch the Internet from nearly any electronic device in the house. And studies are showing more and more children are being exposed to porn online, younger and younger. What can a parent do? Is a filter or blocking program going to be effective? Or is there a way to teach your kids to be wise and discerning in the wide unfiltered world ... which may be as close as your purse or pocket? Join us as Hal talks again with Luke Gilkerson, the Educational Resources Manager for Covenant Eyes, about a way to both protect your kids and train them up for the battle for personal integrity and purity!