Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

MBFLP – Christ-Centered Holidays

November 19, 2013

We've probably cooked 75 turkeys or more in the course of our marriage, not to mention setting up about 40 Christmas trees and celebrating no less than 168 birthdays together. Traditions are important, and feasting is Biblical! But sometimes our celebrations can be stressful or even filled with conflict. What can we do to center our holidays on the One Who's "The Reason for the Season"--and have a lot more fun, too?
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Resources mentioned in the show:
We Gather Together: Sanity and Celebration at Thanksgiving by Hal and Melanie
Christ-Centered Christmas: The Ultimate Guide To Celebrating A Christmas Your Family Will Never Forget by Hal and Melanie
Grandparents of Homeschoolers