Power Your Advice

Power Your Advice

Episode 143 – Rooting the Portfolio in Real Estate – With Ian Formigle

January 05, 2023

Ian Formigle is the Chief Investment Officer at CrowdStreet. CrowdStreet advisors give clients access to investments that are different from their traditional real estate holdings while helping them achieve their financial goals. Ian is a real estate professional and serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in real estate, private equity startups, and options trading at CrowdStreet and serves as the key decision maker for all investments on its marketplace.

In this podcast, Doug and Ian discuss how CrowdStreet is helping advisors make real estate the foundation of clients’ portfolios and how advisors can push the opportunities this asset class provides their clients.

They also discussed:

  • What advisors need to know about the current market conditions
  • The importance for advisors to consider their clients from a foundational perspective, making real estate the foundation of portfolios
  • What advisors should know about the CrowdStreet REIT, a fund launched by the company this year
  • Where this type of real estate fits into client portfolios, and how advisors can position their clients to take advantage of these opportunities 
  • How advisors can best educate their clients about this asset class, and the opportunity it provides them


