Power Your Advice

Power Your Advice

Episode 131 – NYC Pop-Up Podcast: The Major Tenets of Value Investing – With Larry Pitkowsky

November 16, 2022

Larry Pitkowsky is.the Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager at GoodHaven Capital Management, LLC, an investment advisory firm managing separate accounts and a no-load mutual fund. GoodHaven believes value investing is owning quality businesses run by exceptional leadership that can be purchased at a price significantly below intrinsic value.

Live from our fall Advisorpedia Podcast Pop-Up in New York City, Doug and Larry delve into GoodHaven’s operation in the value investing field and the long-term oriented work the value investor should be prioritizing.

They also discussed:

  • The values behind GoodHaven Capital and how they think
  • What is and what is not value investing 
  • Being a value investor this year and if it’s been advantageous or unfavorable
  • The re-launch of GoodHaven in 2019 and its impact on the company overall
  • The current macro backdrop and the market volatility
  • What differentiates GoodHaven from competitors looking to partner with advisors 
  • Compelling stock ideas that GoodHaven owns and why


GoodHaven Risk Management, LLC