Power Your Advice

Power Your Advice

Episode 130 – NYC Pop-Up Podcast: A Dynamic Approach to Measuring & Managing Risk – With Rick Bookstaber

November 16, 2022

Rick Bookstaber is the Co-Founder and Head of Risk at Fabric, a company that provides a platform for risk-aware portfolio design customized for each client’s goals, using factor-based risk management tools powered by MSCI’s factor model. Rick is also the author of a highly acclaimed book, The End of Theory: Financial Crises, the Failure of Economics, and the Sweep of Human Interaction.

Live from our fall Advisorpedia Podcast Pop-Up in New York City, Doug and Rick discuss the world of Risk and Fabric’s fresh approach to its measurement and management.

They also discussed:

  • The story of Fabric and its evolution 
  • Risk-aware portfolio designs and the type of risk fabric measures
  • How Fabric is utilizing factors from a risk perspective
  • The technology that is around Fabric’s risk management system
  • The actionable insights risk is getting clients and how clients would traditionally manage risk
  • Risk management within crypto and public assets
  • The topic of pension funds in the UK and if it’s transferable to the risk we would have in the US

