Power of ERDC

Latest Episodes
#26: Sand Boil Filter: A more efficient tool to combat internal levee erosion
When river levels rise, so does the threat of sand boils, which occur when water bubbles out of the ground near the base of a levee, surrounded by a mound of displaced soil. Caused by increased pressu
#25: CorpsCam: Enabling more proactive coastal management through real-time monitoring and data
Monitoring large and constantly changing coastlines can be expensive, time consuming and dangerous. Traditional surveying methods are also limited because they only provide a single snapshot in time a
#24: Providing Supercomputing Resources to Enable DOD Problem Solving
We talk with Dr. Ben Parsons, chief technology officer with the High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP), about how the program enables the Department of Defense (DOD) to solve its mos