Mr. Dad

Mr. Dad

Latest Episodes

Weird Parenting Wins
May 15, 2023

Hillary Frank, author of Weird Parenting Wins. Topic: Hacks from the parenting trenches. Issues: soothing a screaming child; getting your child to eat stuff; getting yo8ur kid to act like a person; ma

Parenting on a Sailboat + Parenting Hacks
May 13, 2023

Erik Orton, co-author of Seven at Sea. Topic: Why a New York City family cast off convention for a life-changing year on a sailboat. Issues: Life is what we make of it, regardless of what society dict

Who Stole My Teen?
May 08, 2023

Carl Pickhardt, author of Who Stole My Child? Topic: Parenting through the four stages of adolescence. Issues: What is an adolescent? Early adolescence (ages 9-13), which is marked by resistance and c

Helping Children Make Smarter Choices + Four Stages of Adolescence
May 06, 2023

Maureen Healy, author of The Emotionally Healthy Child. Topic: Helping children calm, center, and make smarter choices. Issues: What makes an emotionally healthy child? Three simple steps that have th

Getting Babies to Sleep Through the Night by Month 4, Without Tears
May 01, 2023

Jason Freedman, coauthor of The Dream Feed Method. Topic: Getting babies to sleep through the night by month 4, without crying it out. Issues: How to get your baby to sleep from dusk til dawn by four

18 Master Parenting Values + The Dream Feed Method
April 29, 2023

Christine Crockett Smith, author of 18 Master Values. Topic: Be the parent you wish youd had. Issues: Love, positive attitude, work ethic, gratitude, curiosity, pride, humility, and many other import

Coping with Stress vs. Curing It
April 24, 2023

Amy Serin, author of The Stress Switch. Topic: The truth about stress and how to short-circuit it. Issues: What stress is, when its good, and when its not; coping with stress vs. curing it; how stre

The History of Mothering Advice + Short Circuiting Stress
April 22, 2023

Bethany L. Johnson and Margaret M. Quinlan, coauthors of Youre Doing it Wrong. Topic: Mothering, media, and medical expertise. Issues: The history of mothering advice in the media, from newspapers, m

Science-Based Parenting Shortcuts for Moms
April 17, 2023

Darria Long Gillespie, author of Mom Hacks. Topic: Science-based shortcuts to reclaim your body, raise awesome kids and be unstoppable. Issues: Building blocks of a healthy diet; what not to eat; maki

Mothering Special-Needs Kids + The Science of Mothering
April 15, 2023

Kathy Chlan, author of Maternally Challenged. Topic: How a mom learned to laugh and enjoy life from her special needs child Issues: Coming to terms with having a child with special needs; life will th