Positively Mental with Lance Goede

Latest Episodes
Positively Mental #15: “Resiliency:” Maintaining mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lance Goede and Tara Carr discuss strategies to help maintain mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. To contact the show e-mail: 10Cast@County10.com For more episodes, click here, or subscribe to Positively Mental on your favorite podcast app....
Positively Mental #14: COVID-19 mental health and taking care of each other
Lance Goede and Tara Carr are back to discuss COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it may be impacting your mental health. They discuss strategies to maintain your mental well-being during isolation, connecting with your friends while still social distancing...
Positively Mental #13: Coronavirus and how it impacts your mental health with Tara Carr
Lance Goede and Tara Carr discuss Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it may impact your mental health. They discuss some remedies for improving mental health even while self-isolating and how it may change our lives day-to-day in Wyoming.
Positively Mental #12: Nutrition and Wellness with Kelly Goede
Nutrition obviously changes your physical health, but does it matter to your mental health, too? Instructor, nutrition expert, fitness instructor, and Lance’s wife, Kelly Goede joins the show to discuss all things nutrition and some tips on improving y...
Positively Mental #11: Mental health in the great outdoors
Wyoming Counselor Lance Goede discusses the positive impact being outdoors can have on your mental, and overall, health. He’s joined by 10Cast hosts David Merrill and Patrick Edwards to discuss outdoor opportunities.
Positively Mental #10: Mindset
Just how powerful do you think your mind is? How can your mind work for you and against you? Wyoming Counselor Lance Goede discusses on the latest Positively Mental Podcast. For more episodes, click here, or subscribe to Positively Mental on your favor...
Positively Mental #9: Suicide Prevention with specialist Dick Lefevre
Dick Lefevre from the Fremont County Suicide Prevention Task Force chats with Wyoming Counselor Lance Goede. They discuss suicide prevention, ways to help those with suicidal thoughts, and early warning signs.
Positively Mental #8: Season Affective Disorder with Shelley Wolfe
Professional Wyoming Counselor Lance Goede discusses Season Affective Disorder and ways to improve it this winter. Lance is joined by Fremont Counseling’s Shelley Wolfe to discuss S.A.D. and ways to help. For more episodes, click here,
Positively Mental #7: New year’s resolutions and goal setting
Wyoming counselor Lance Goede discusses setting realistic resolutions for the new year, becoming more positive, and a variety of mental health issues. For more episodes, click here, or subscribe to Positively Mental on your favorite podcast app.
Positively Mental #6: CWC film maker Falon McCormick and Instructor of Film Jeremy Nielsen
Central Wyoming College alum, Falon McCormick and Instructor of Film, Jeremy Nielsen, chat with Lance Goede. Falon recently won Best Wyoming Film with her 3-minute short called, ‘Addiction,’ at the 307 Film Festival in Laramie.