

Latest Episodes

Porch Talk Episode 19
December 31, 2018

New Years Special... beers at the traveling shit show.. Happy New Years!

PorchTalk Episode 18
May 28, 2018

We got a new toy, and drunk banter

Porchtalk Episode 17
May 06, 2018

I dont know stuff happens!

Porch Talk Episode 16
April 22, 2018

Lizard people, The Quarry of Friendship, and drunk banter episode XVI enjoy 

PorchTalk Episode 15
April 07, 2018

SPECIAL GUEST TONIGHT!!! Flat Earth?? Million dollar ideas turned into Billion dollar ideas! Robert, are you alive? Also... the secret word is.... 

PorchTalk Episode 14
March 24, 2018

we dont know what we talked about..... NEW CHAIR!!!! also, "The way its supposed to be!" Vertical neopolitan ice cream! 

PorchTalk Episode 13
March 17, 2018

Pewmas, Bobcats, New Microphone, those nasty wooden spoons that come with ice cream cups, someone stole a construction cone.... Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!

PorchTalk Episode 12
February 25, 2018

Mallo Cups, Slap Day, Offensive stuffed animals. We our on a roll.

porchTalk Episode 11
February 17, 2018

We're back after the flu shut us down last week. Beer rolykit and why its sucks. 

PorchTalk Episode 10
February 03, 2018

Hey Robbbbert!!!!!! crab farms,paintball, groundhog day, taco bell fries. drunken banter we do what we do and we do it the best.